Tuesday, June 1, 2010

New Look, Same Great Taste!

Hey everyone, it's been a week and they haven't shut us down yet, so either we must be doing something right or not enough people care to read what we have to say! Either way, we've changed things around a bit, so now it should be a little easier to navigate. On the side bar you'll see a list of pages. From now on, that's where we'll be posting the bulk of what we have to say, so be sure to check it out. We want to branch out a bit from hockey, so we've added a lot more stuff over there. Look for expanded coverage on the NBA finals, the MLB now that baseball is in full-swing, and World Cup coverage from yours truly starting next week.

Speaking of which, in order to accommodate for more sports coverage, we've added a new member to the team. Along with Pat, Mike and myself, please welcome Chris Stratmoen to the fold, as he'll be covering the NBA finals as well as all the action from the baseball diamond.

Love and Honor,

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